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Contact Information

Paul E. Wagner

If you a scincerely intresed, you may abtain more contact information from me at the above e-mail address.


B.S. in Computer Science (May, 2006)
St. Michael's College, Colchester, VT   |   CS Department's Page

High School:
Suffield Academy, Suffield, CT (May, 2002)


Computer Languages and Scripts:
Profficient in: C, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PERL, PHP, SQL.
Exposed to: COBOL, Fortran, NQC, Pascal, Scheme.

Operating Systems Used: Linux (Fedora Core); Mac OS 8.6 thru Mac OS 10.4; Windows 95 thru Windows XP Pro.

Programming Envirnoments: Command line utilities; JBuilder; Xcode

Relevant Courses

Artifical Inteligence
Computer Archetecture
Human Computer Interaction (UI Design)
Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Software Engineering

Management and Organizational Behavior
Not an exhaustive list.


Junior Assistant to the Systems Administrator,
Marine Biological Laboratory (2006 - present)
+ For a web application to administer a FTP server I used PERL, HTML, CSS and MySQL.
+ Developed other small, web-based front end applications in PHP, HTML and CSS.
+ Researched various software titles for department use; generating reports based on research.
+ Created a VMware Server and virtual machines as a test for server consolidation.
+ Assisted the Systems Administrator with other side projects and some daily activities; including creating LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) servers for organizational use.
+ Currently assisting the project by creating mini-applications in C and PERL.

Teaching Assistant for Computer Science,
Saint Michael's College (2005 Ð 2006)
+ Assisted students in introductory CS courses to learn how to program in Java; helping them debug and troubleshoot their programs.

Customer Service and Software Implementation,
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Seasonal 2003 Ð 2006)
+ Assumed responsibility for customizing computer operations to improve efficiency using available resources. Included the customization of in-place software for the needs of my department.
+ Assumed responsibility for customizing an outbound packages software system.
+ Setup and maintained support for Palm Pilots (used as remote data input units).
+ Trained employees in use of devices and software.
+ Assisted with mail and all incoming / outgoing package services.
+ Other responsibilities included customer service and billing.

User Support, Information Technology,
Saint Michael's College (2002 Ð 2004)
+ Provided technical support and assistance to faculty, staff, and students in the areas of spy ware removal, virus removal, A / V equipment, presentation equipment, and software and hardware installation.

Sound Designer, main-stage theater,
Saint Michael's College (Spring 2003 & 2004)
+ Kept to a production schedule; communicated with director, designers, and other members of production team; created sounds and sound sets for main-stage productions.


Cross-Country running (Co-Captain 2004, 2005); Track Club (Co-President 2004 Ð 2006); Computer Club (President 2005 Ð 2006); theatre; sailing; financial market news, car maintenance.

Job Descriptions

The following is a more complete job description of each of the jobs that I have listed above.

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